Friday, May 18, 2007

We have keys !

Well just the one and that lets me in, so who needs more ?

It's been blowing a gale here today, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, up to the lottie I went about 7pm to meet lovely Mr Sec, swapped a key for the princely sum of £11 (3 months rent, and £5 joining fee).

Before Mr Sec got there, I'd already paced out the approximate size (9 yds x 6 yds ish), took some photos and had a little tramp around. There were a few more thistles than I remember, and apparently we have bindweed that runs along the border :-( and maybe I was being a little optimistic about getting it weeded in one session but heh ! it's only ickle and should be a breeze.

Apparently the drainage channel that I was going to dig, isn't going to make a blind bit of difference, so it looks like it's raised beds and pallet paths.

So here it is, in all it's glory ..........

Looking south ish down the plot. Mine stops about 2-3 foot short of the orange shrubs, top right.

The paving slabs are my boundary although I can see me grabbing a bit extra at the top. The hut is to the left out of shot.

From the path looking north ish up the plot. The sign top left is just about as far as I can push the boundary at that end.

Running along the top edge. To the left of the bricks is the "wildlife" area i.e. the weeds !

Mr Robin was a constant visitor all the time I was there which was nice ! Mr Sec said don't bother bringing up any borage, I can have some of his and it was nice to see that my courgettes back on the home plot were far bigger than his !! Mind you, I've got to get them in the ground still alive yet. He's going to try and get me a blue water butt. I'm definitely going to have to build some raised beds to get the likes of the rhubarb and fruit bushes surviving the winter floods but there's a pile of manure that I can help myself to, so urgently need to acquire some pallets and make a quick manure pile.

Apparently tatties were grown on there last year but he's not sure when it was last manured.

The chap who is down at my south end, has a very nice and tidy well laid out plot. My new friend Mr Sec is slightly less obsessive.

Still it's a start and I should have it all spick and span and full planted up by ............. next weekend ??? :-)


Anonymous said...

Looking good KP you will soon be ship shape for planting

MrsKP said...

Yip won't be long anonymous ! Can't wait to actually get something in.

Where do I know youf from ? :-P