Monday, October 01, 2007

Sunday - day of rest ? Do me a favour.

I really do enjoy the peace, quiet and calm of early morning on the lottie, especially when the sun is out. The birds are happily playing and you can't even hear much of the motorway that's close by. And then I arrive and stick the radio on but not before I've had chance to soak up some of the peace.

Another beautiful day. Slightly overcast to start with, and a bit damp. But when the sun came out it was fleece off time, really warm. There has been much activity on the plot next door for the past couple of days and they've put some flowers and shrubs into the border. Was going to ask to borrow their broom to sweep my not very neat paths, but I don't know them very well, so didn't ! Will take the spare old one from home up when I remember.

Sawed the final 2"x2" post for legs in record time and bed No. 7 got built. I'm getting the hang on this sawing malarky, obviously. Need to level it up a bit though. Didn't notice until I took the pics that there is a very obvious tilt.

The whole "village" is beginning to come together now though. It may look a bit cramped, in fact it is, but the main path up the middle is wide enough for a barrow (I stole greenhouse John's and checked) and the poo was easy enough to sling on. There will be no turning circle though, so it's a case of driving in and reversing out. Being a woman of many talents, I can reverse - even without mirrors !

The netting hoop support post idea works well. Glad I found that during my browsing.

I made a brick kerb to try and stop the path overflowing which I think works quite well. Ideally I want a fence (perhaps chicken wire rather than pallets) at the front of the lottie.

I'm toying with the idea of a small gate too. Don't know why really except I have two spare short posts that would lend themselves nicely. I'll see what everything looks like when I've got the final fence panels up. I just cut bit lumps out of the turf, slung them in an old compost bag behind the shed. I shall ignore them for a year and see what happens to them. The theory is that I'll get a nice bag of loam.

The leeks are now in the way of where I want the 5'x5' square foot bed to go tucked away in the corner. I want 5 (yes a whole 5, don't go mad now) sweetcorn in the back row so as not to cast shade but where I want to shift it means that it will sit over the path that I've so carefully be firming up lol. Still it would benefit from another good dig I think.

Found another roll of weed suppressant tucked away in the shed, so now I've got all the newly pooed areas covered. I grabbed a couple more barrow loads for No. 7 but could still do with a couple just to leave on the pile until the 8'x2' is in place ready for next years runners. Spread a bag of home cooked compost over the poo in No. 7 (which of course didn't go far) and then came home to a bowl of home grown/made soup.

Leeks, swede, onions, butter beans, garlic and carrots - all MINE ! More than enough there for us all week, don't know how I'm going to get the big lumps in the flasks though !

Overall a very rewarding weekend's work.

This week - the plot !

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