Sunday, August 12, 2007

Lottie Open Day

Well that was exciting. Got to the lottie about 9.30am to try and get another fence post in by opening time. 2" down was solid crap! Well tarmac to be more specific. So this hole became far bigger than I'd wanted and I've a feeling a bag of postfix will be needed. I know the pros and cons but if I'm there when the post rots and needs replacing, I'll just dig a bigger hole !

Just gone 10am I went over to where the gazebos were being erected and helped get everything ready. Doors opened at 12pm or there abouts.

The weather was reasonably kind, and the rain held off until we were nearly done. Plenty of people came in to have a look and walk about. The jam/jellies/chutneys were well received and sold out completely I think. The fresh veg and baking stall did a roaring trade, and thanks be to all the contributors for kindly donating so much stuff.

There was a general buzz of enthusiasm around the refreshment tent which wasn't all down to the wasps lol.

And we "launched" the new SWAA web-site. There were more internet savvy people that I had expected, who seemed genuinely interest and took a flyer away with the new URL.

This is a project in its embryonic stage, the site is a bit thin, but hopefully over time, it will build up to become a useful resource and on-line meeting place for members and non-members alike.

so ................ ta dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am pleased to announce the new website for the South West Allotments Association, Glasgow.

You might recognise one of the members !

Feel free to try and break it and report back with any suggestions.

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