Friday, September 07, 2007

The fence progresses

Had a painting night last night which means we'll be able to erect another three fence panels at the weekend. Everything takes so long though ! I need another few pairs of hands, but swanky fence is looking good.

Actually remembered to take pics of the three beds in a row. You can see the mustard germinating in the bed on the right. Don't know how as there's still been no rain despite dark dark clouds hanging in the sky. Must be a first for Glasgow ! The soil is bone dry and I've run out of water in the butts so will take the hoses up tomorrow morning and get them refilled again. Never thought we'd see a drought here, that's for sure.

Ahmed's Bosnian doesn't seem to mind though, and just keeps growing. Imagine what he'd be like if he did get a regular drink ! He must be a racy kinda pumpkin judging by his chosen reading matter.

I could pick the broad beans now, but am leaving them for a bit longer yet. The rust doesn't seem to have spread and they look jolly good considering they went in so late. I really didn't realise they could feed me all through the summer. The chard could do with a bit of a pick as well. As it doesn't keep in the fridge that well, that has to be a planned picking. The sown in situ beetroot are still tiny, but I suspect the lack of rain has something to do with that.

The donated cabbage and suedes appear to be bug free under their netting. They could also benefit from a good drink as well as everything else. At least the suedes aren't rotting like last year.

Just bought a big roll of debris netting off ebay for a song, so will have to get the sewing machine out to get some channels for the hoops on. I've more than enough netting to protect my lottie and everyone else within half a mile I think ! At least I'll be all set for next season ! All you'll see is beds of green (netting) ! lol

One of the strawberries is producing runners, so am planning on lifting those and bringing them back to the plot to over winter back here.

Another grey day today, I'm just about to go out and do a bit of rain dance !

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